Understanding personality: How to bring out the best in yourself and others
Personality matters. And never more so than in these stressful times when many of us are remote working and when our usual personality traits are likely to be amplified. I have mediated countless workplace conflicts that had their origins in - or escalated due to - personality clashes. […] Inspired by the Lumina Spark* psychometric, here are some tips to help you understand and manage your personality, to bring out the best in yourself and others…
Feeling the storm: why we need the turbulence as well as the pauses
Last Saturday I sat outside for an hour while the wind gusted around me. This was a rare (if chilly) treat. No kids, no book, no radio, no journal, no coffee. I just sat there and observed what was happening around me and within me. […] I love the sunshine. But the changeable, dramatic weather we have had in the last week has better matched the volatile moods I have experienced since lockdown…
Keeping morale high: Ten questions to ask your team during Corona crisis
The ability to ask courageous, compassionate questions is a leadership superpower. It enables us to connect with our teams at a deeper level and to find more creative ways forward. And it means we listen more than we talk, which is crucial in a crisis…
Courage in the time of Corona: leading courageously through crisis and uncertainty
If leaders will be remembered for how they managed themselves and others through this crisis, what do you want your coronavirus legacy to be? I ask this not to pile pressure on. There are countless definitions of ‘courageous leaders’ out there, but I believe strongly that leadership is not about role or traits - it is about action…
5 simple tips for building team resilience in the face of chronic uncertainty
I walked into central Brighton earlier this week. In the space of half an hour, I witnessed three aggressive incidents. I walked into central Brighton earlier this week. In the space of half an hour, I witnessed three aggressive incidents. The first was a driver speeding around a corner, and then stopping to swear out of his window at my friend who was about to cross the road…
Messy feelings and mediation with Beccie D'Cunha
I had the pleasure of being interviewed recently by Dr. Carlos Saba, co-founder of The Happy Startup School, for his wonderful podcast. Have a listen if you’re interested in cultivating empathy and the impact it can have on relationships and business...
A masterclass in the transformative power of empathy from the Handmaid's Tale
Was anyone else moved by the scene between the doctor and June in this week's episode of the Handmaid's Tale? I found it a surprising - but welcome - empathic interlude in an otherwise brutal season. I'd even go so far as to suggest that the doctor gave us a masterclass in empathy and its transformative power…
The wisdom of five year olds: two little lessons in empathy
Two more mini lessons in empathy from my five year old this week.
The first came when his two year old sister fell off her chair at the dinner table. It was quite a bump. While I held her, crying on my lap, he quietly approached, kissed her head, put his arm round her and buried his head in my lap too. I realised he was trying to suppress his sobs…
How to Empathise with the Death of a Fruit Fly
My 5 year old son recently came downstairs, tears streaming down his face. He was holding a tiny fruit fly in his hands. "I killed it by mistake" he said, through his tears. It was so touching, realising how deeply felt his empathy was for such a tiny creature…