Beccie D'Cunha Beccie D'Cunha

Restraint collapse: what to do when the tidal wave hits

There is a little-known term, coined by psychotherapist Andrea Nair, to describe what happens when children get home from school after a day of trying to maintain a certain level of energy, mental motivation, emotional containment and physical restraint… They experience ‘after school restraint collapse’. At home, they are able to release their pent up emotions and express themselves without fear of judgement or consequences.

I think we need an equivalent term for adults…

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Beccie D'Cunha Beccie D'Cunha

Digging for gold: Why we need giraffe ears in conflict

In a recent, very tough, team mediation, the tool that really unlocked change was Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a tool for compassionate, assertive communication. NVC is mostly taught as a tool for communicating a difficult message. And with good reason - it is a powerful tool for centred speaking. But its hidden power is in helping us to listen with compassion.

The senior team in question was stuck in a cycle of mistrust that felt never-ending, because everything they were hearing from each other confirmed their judgements and fears…

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Beccie D'Cunha Beccie D'Cunha

Understanding who we are using Lumina Spark with Beccie D’Cunha

Listen to my podcast interview with Dr Carlos Saba, co-founder of The Happy Startup School, to learn more about personality, playing to your strengths and working with difference, through the lens of the brilliant Lumina Spark psychometric. I recently coached Carlos around his Lumina portrait; in this podcast he shares insights it gave him into some of his own self-limiting beliefs as well as the paradoxes and ‘hidden treasures’ in his personality…

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Beccie D'Cunha Beccie D'Cunha

Self-sabotage: why we push others away in the moments that we most need them

My 3 year old loves flowers. Yesterday I gave her some that I had found on the ground. She was so delighted - repeatedly and lovingly arranging them, smelling them, gazing at them. And then I inadvertently said something that provoked an outburst of anger and she started hysterically ripping them to shreds in protest. It was a tragi-comic moment, seeing her do something so pointless and destructive that hurt no one but herself…

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